Monday, November 16, 2015

Let the diving begin

The main reason why we decided to come back to Thailand, was to do awesome scuba diving in national park Similan Islands. Therefore, we headed to a well known location - Khao Lak.

We decided to go on 4 days liveaboard. Long story short: liveaboard means living on the boat - in our case for 4 days and 4 nights. It was one of rare rainy nights, when we were picked up from dive center. And so our 4 days of paradise begun.

After registering at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures we were all excited and ready to go. Boarding on the a boat named Manta Queen 3 was successful. We set sails and started our overnight ride towards the national park. On the 35 meters long boat there were 31 divers, 10 dive crew, 6 boat staff and 2 cooks. Our air-cond room with private bathroom looked like:

On the next morning at 6:00 a.m. the head of the diving crew Joe and his crew started a wake-up call with: "It is a beautiful morning in Similan Islands! Rise and shine!". The view from the boat was just stunning.

While we were drinking our first morning coffee, Joe already had dive plan ready for first dive site called Anita's Reef. We got our equipment ready...

... and started with diving! Finally!

It did not last long when we became amazed about the underwater life in Similan Islands.

Giant Triggerfish

Blue-spotted stingray

Breakfast was served after we came out of the water. And while we were eating, our captain headed off towards our next locations. West of Eden and Elephant Head Rock were next two dive sites. Again we were not disappointed.

Giant Morey

Elephant Head Rock

West of Eden

Hawksbill Turtle

After third dive we waited for sun to go down. The next in row was a night dive.

During the night dive different wildlife can be spotted. We witnessed a lot of small big-eyed fish and different types of crabs. The most admirable animal was lobster. It was time to call a day and jump into pajamas.

Bubbly and nitrogen-ful greetings from Similan Island
Boris & Jerneja

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