Thursday, April 17, 2014

Welcome to Jordan!

Little did we know, that Mike's hospitality didn't end with the dinner. He also prepared us breakfast.

After breakfast it was time to explore Jordan's capital. As we left the hostel, we started to feel the city. Warm sun on our faces and people cheering at us: "Welcome to Jordan!" Jordanian people are well known for their hospitality and friendliness.

First we headed to see Amman's market. This is a place where you can find more than anything. From all parts of goat...

... to live tutrles, chickens (all sizes and colors)...

... to fish...

... to all sorts of hats...

... and finally ladies dresses...

After we came out of the market we spotted some nice ruins on top of the hill. So we headed towards them and on the way to the top we found out that this is the famous old Citadel. We got in touch with rich jordanian history. The Citadel is known as one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited place. It encapsulates more then 7000 years of history of mankind from the Temple of Hercules to "morden" mosque.

Oh did we forget to mention how awesome view over the Amman city is up there?

Suddenly we spotted a theatre. It looked more like a Roman theater...

Our next attraction was chosen. The Romans did take advantage of Amman's diverse landscape and used one of many Amman's hill to build the theater. The theater is approximately 1800 years old and well preserved. It is oriented north to keep the sun of the spectators and there could seat about 6000 people.

After all the history knowledge was consumed our stomachs chose next destination. The one and only... The famous... The Hashem restaurant! When we entered the restaurant we heard: "Welcome to Jordan!"

This was the place where all our senses got benefit. The restaurant is owned by turkish family and is known across entire Amman with sentance: "It is all about falafel!". Actually when we tried falafel here, we found out that it is not all about falafel but more all about the chickpeas. The falafel here was outstanding. It was fresh, smelled delicious and it was just melting in out mouths. But this restaurant offered more then just the falafel. The dish we got consisted of hummus, beans, fresh tomatoes and mint leaves. And all together made this restaurant awesome.

One more amazing fact about the restaurant: it was all-you-can-eat for really low fixed price!

And at this point we took two decisions. Firstly, we will definitely come back to the Hashem restaurant. Secondly, we were too tired to continue our journey and will do some one-day-trip in the next days.

Welcome to Jordan!

Boris & Jerneja

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